Viewing info pages in a browser


Is there any way I can use a browser to view info pages? I know that it can be done with man pages based on the man page for man, but I couldn't find any such option for info.

Best Answer

Info files are created from .texinfo source, which is a special kind of markup language. The program used to convert .texinfo files to .info files is GNU TexInfo. This software can also produce HTML output:

Texinfo uses a single source file to produce output in a number of formats, both online and printed (dvi, html, info, pdf, xml, etc.). This means that instead of writing different documents for online information and another for a printed manual, you need write only one document.

For instance, you can use the coreutils.texi file with texi2any:

texi2any --html --no-split --no-headers --force -o core.htm coreutils.texi

to produce a single html file with the entire content from the coreutils info pages.

Note the info utility, which is also part of the texinfo suite, allows for some exporting of the content, but not directly to html; for instance:

info --subnodes -o ls.txt ls

to output the ls command info content to a text file.

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