Vi setting for new window


I'm using Terminator for my terminal emulator. Whenever I open it, the initial workspace comes with the setting I defined in the config file. But whenever I split the workspace, the new workspace comes with the default setting. Here is part of my config file:

  enabled_plugins = LaunchpadCodeURLHandler, APTURLHandler, LaunchpadBugURLHandler
  focus = mouse
  title_transmit_fg_color = "#000000"
  sticky = True
  new_tab = <Ctrl>n
  next_tab = <Ctrl>Right
  split_vert = <Ctrl>v
  split_horiz = <Ctrl>h
  prev_tab = <Ctrl>Left
    palette = "#073642:#d30102:#859900:#b58900:#6c71c4:#d33682:#2aa198:#839496:#586e75:#cb4b16:#859900:#b58900:#268bd2:#dc322f:#2aa198:#93a1a1"
    use_system_font = False
    cursor_color = "#002b36"
    foreground_color = "#002b36"
    show_titlebar = False
    background_color = "#eee8d5"
    palette = "#073642:#d30102:#859900:#b58900:#6c71c4:#d33682:#2aa198:#839496:#586e75:#cb4b16:#859900:#b58900:#268bd2:#dc322f:#2aa198:#93a1a1"
    use_system_font = False
    cursor_color = "#eee8d5"
    foreground_color = "#eee8d5"
    show_titlebar = False
    background_color = "#002b36"
      type = Terminal
      parent = window0
      profile = solarized-dark
      type = Window
      parent = ""
      profile = solarized-light

Best Answer

I think that new splits or tabs will always use the default profile, and ignore the layouts. Layouts seem to only apply to new windows.

Unfortunately, the documentation and man pages don't provide any more detail for me to refer you to.

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