Utf-8 sequence in the console


when I perform the "tree" command in the console, here's what I've got :

├── Annexe\ 1\ -\ Sch\303\251ma\ global\ de\ la\ base\ de\ donn\303\251es.raw

The result is composed of utf-8 sequences, I need to get the string in a human-readable form for a report.
How can I convert that nasty thing ?

Best Answer

You can specify any character set you want it to use with the --charset switch.

   --charset charset
          Set the character set to use when outputting HTML and for line 

There are also these 2 switches which may help:

   -q     Print non-printable characters in filenames as question marks 
          instead of the default.

   -N     Print non-printable characters as is instead of as escaped octal 

Also you can augment the output using these switches:

   -A     Turn on ANSI line graphics hack when printing the indentation 

   -S     Turn on ASCII line graphics (useful when using Linux console mode 
          fonts). This option is now equivalent to `--charset=IBM437' and 
          may eventually be depreciated.