UTF-8 in Terminator


I use the Terminator terminal emulator, and out of pure boredom, I installed and attempted to run this program: https://github.com/thiderman/doge.

However, it requires UTF-8 encoding to work. I opened Terminator's preferences and went into the default profile's compatibility tab, and it was already set to UTF-8.

I don't use any custom profiles.

The output of locale charmap # UTF-8 was ANSI_X3.4-1968. How can I make this work properly? I did test in UXterm, and it ran fine.

I'm running Arch Linux using the GNOME 3 GUI.

The output of locale -a is:

$ locale -a

It seems like I have a locale setting called "C", and I can't seem to bring UTF-8 to the top.

Best Answer

I still want to know why my locale settings got so weird after only enabling the en_US locales during installation, but I was able to resolve the issue by adding

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_us.UTF-8

to my ~/.bashrc

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