Using software OpenGL rendering with X


I want to try the most basic OpenGL driver, in order to find out what's the problem of my X server with OpenGL.

I want then to have X use software rendering for OpenGL, like windows do with opengl.dll with no driver installed.

How can I do that? Didn't find anything when searching for X OpenGL software rendering. I'll be glad for a reference, and for the keywords I had to use in order to find out how to do that.

I'm using Xorg in RHEL 5.3.

Best Answer

Duplicating my answer Force software based opengl rendering - Super User:

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swx11

will remove the libgl1-mesa-glx hardware-accelerated Mesa libraries and install the software-only renderer.

Alternately, you can set LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1, which will only affect programs started with that environment variable, not the entire system.

Fedora doesn't package the swrast DRI backend separately from mesa-dri-drivers (and I assume the same is the case in RHEL), so the first isn't an option, but the latter is.

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