Using pass on multiple computers. Which pgp key to share


I'm using pass password manager on multiple computers, linked via a git repository. Which pgp key do I need to share across computers, the public, private, or both, so that I can add /edit /delete passwords on all computers?

Best Answer

First of all, I'd consider "editing" a passphrase replacing the value for a site by another one, not regarding the old passphrase at all (which would include a read operation). pass stores the site's URL in the file name in plain text, thus does not require any cryptographic operations for finding/"lookup" of the encrypted content at all.

If you only want to add, edit and delete passwords, you only need the public key, to be specific for the add and edit operations which encrypt the passphrase using the public key; in fact deleting does not imply any cryptographic operations at all.

On the other hand, for reading any passphrase, you will need to provide the private key, which is required to decrypt the passphrase.

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