Using Linux text editor to prepare content for Microsoft Word

editorstext processing

I need to prepare a long manuscript that must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document in order to meet the submission criteria. (Please no "Don't use Word" comments.)

I want to use a text editor on my Linux computer (Ubuntu). I will eventually paste the content into a Word document when it is finished. I don't have access to Word just now and I cannot test this.

I will probably use a mixture of different text editors as is usual.

Is there anything I need to watch out for, such as line endings and text encoding, so that I don't need to rework the text when I paste it into the new format and OS?

Best Answer

Install pandoc, then select any of the markup formats it supports as input. Write your manuscript in that format, then convert to .docx.

I'd suggest using:

  • Markdown if you don't need much in the way of formatting. The occasional italicized word, maybe a headline, some bullets. This site uses a variant of Markdown for posts, so you already know it.

  • DocBook if you need a highly-structured document. It is suited to creation of book-sized documents, particularly the sort that don't need fancy formatting, but which have deep structure. (i.e. Most nonfiction.)

  • LaTeX if you happen to know the markup language already.

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