Using GPG key in Gajim without passphrase


I would like to use gpg key with Gajim (jabber client) without a passphrase. I have generated my gpg key without a passphrase (or with an empty passphrase, I don't know which – I just just pressed enter)

I have configured gajim to use my gpg keys, but now when Gajim starts, it asks me for my passphrase, and I need just to press enter.

I am wondering, is there a way to completely get rid of this passphrase dialog? Can I either generate the gpg key without a passphrase entirely, or can I tell gajim not to ask for the empty passphrase (or remember it) ?

Best Answer

You really should use either gpg-agent and/or the similar program provided by Gnome. This way your system will ask for the passphrase only once per boot.

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