Using a Unix Domain Socket to Control VLC


I am interested in using a UNIX-Domain Socket to control VLC playback. This functionality is outlined in the VideoLan documentation for using oldrc.

So what I need to is startup vlc with a command such as:

cvlc <path to media> -I oldrc --rc-unix /some/socket

And then I should be able to send vlc commands to /some/socket to control the playback.

Are there any general-purpose sockets floating around somewhere on my Kubuntu 12.10 system that I could use for this?

Best Answer

No, there are no spare sockets just floating around, But they are easy to make, so easy that you may have done so if the directory you were creating them in existed and you had write permission. To make your example work you probably need mkdir /some; chown vlc_user.rmt_grp /some; chmod 0775 /some. and it is easier if the remote control and the player run as the same user.