Use sed to encapsulate the first word of each paragraph with

awkhtmlregular expressionsedtext formatting

So obviously I am trying italicize the first word of each paragraph in a huge document. I think its relatively easy to add the prefix but how do I delineate just the first word for the postfix instead of the end of the line? The file should be space delimited.

sed -e 's/^/<i>/' file >

Do I need to run sed twice with different syntax or is this doable with one command? I am outputting to a new file in case I screw up.

Here is an example of a couple lines of the file:

Snapdragon  Plant with a two-lipped flower.

Snap-fastener  = *press-stud.

Snapper  Any of several edible marine fish.

Snappish  1 curt; ill-tempered; sharp. 2 inclined to snap.

I want it to be as below:

<i>Snapdragon</i>  Plant with a two-lipped flower.

<i>Snap-fastener</i>  = *press-stud.

<i>Snapper</i>  Any of several edible marine fish.

<i>Snappish</i>  1 curt; ill-tempered; sharp. 2 inclined to snap.

not all the lines are single, some terms have multiple lines of definition.

Best Answer

Using sed,

  • if there's a letter at the beginning of the line, then
  • capture any amount of non-whitespace characters and
  • replace those captured characters with surrounding <i> ... </i>.

like this:

sed '/^[a-zA-Z]/ s!\([^ ]*\)!<i>\1</i>!' < file >

On this sample input:

Snapdragon  Plant with a two-lipped flower.

Snap-fastener  = *press-stud.

Snapper  Any of several edible marine fish.

Snappish  1 curt; ill-tempered; sharp. 2 inclined to snap.

The output is:

<i>Snapdragon</i>  Plant with a two-lipped flower.

<i>Snap-fastener</i>  = *press-stud.

<i>Snapper</i>  Any of several edible marine fish.

<i>Snappish</i>  1 curt; ill-tempered; sharp. 2 inclined to snap.

To break down the pieces of the sed command:

  • /^[a-zA-Z]/ -- this is an address filter; it means to apply the subsequent command only to lines that match this regular expression. The regular expression requires that a letter (either lower-case a-z or upper-case A-Z) must follow the beginning of the line ^.

  • s!\([^ ]*\)!<i>\1</i>! -- this is the search and replace command. It uses a delimiter between the search and the replacement; the common delimiter is a forward-slash, but since the replacement text has a forward-slash, I changed the delimiter to an exclamation point !. The search term has two pieces to it: the capturing parenthesis, which have to be escaped, and the regular expression [^ ]*, which says: "match anything-except-a-space, zero or more times *. The replacement text refers back to that captured group with \1 and surrounds it with the HTML tag.

To additionally wrap each non-empty line with paragraph tags, add another sed expression:

sed -e '/^[a-zA-Z]/ s!\([^ ]*\)!<i>\1</i>!' -e '/./ { s/^/<p>/; s!$!</p>! }' < file

The additional expression says:

  • match lines that have one (any) character -- this skips blank lines
  • { group the next two commands together
  • search and replace the beginning of line ^ with an opening paragraph tag
  • search and replace the end of line $ with a closing paragraph tag
  • } end the grouping
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