Use JQ to generate CSV from knife search


JQ looks like a great tool, but I'm struggling with it. Here is what I am trying to do:
Extract just the values from this chef knife search and generate a CSV.

given this command and output:

knife search node "name:foo*" -a name -a -a -Fj

  "results": 2,
  "rows": [
      "foo-01": {
        "name": "foo-01",
        "": 12,
        "": "16267368kB"
      "foo-02": {
        "name": "foo-02",
        "": 12,
        "": "16264296kB"

I would like to get the values extracted to CSV like this:


(I can deal with the quotes)

Best Answer

... | jq -r '.rows[] | .[] | [.name, .[""], .[""]] | map(tostring) | join(",")'


  1. Expands the array in .rows into the output stream (.rows.[]).
  2. Pipes that stream into the next step (|).
  3. Expands the object it's given into the (in this case) single value it contained (.[]).
  4. Creates an array with the results of .name, .[""], and .[""] each evaluated on that object (.[ .name, ... ]).
  5. Converts all the values of that array into strings (map(tostring)).
  6. Joins the elements of each array with a comma (join(",")).

jq -r outputs raw data, rather than quoting and escaping it. The output is then:


as you wanted. Depending on your CSV parser & the real data, you might need extra quoting around the strings, which you can add in, or use @csv in place of the last two steps.

... | jq -r '.rows[] | .[] | [.name, .[""], .[""]] | @csv'

We could skip the map by converting only the one value inside, which takes some extra brackets:

... | jq -r '.rows[]|.[]|[.name, (.[""] | tostring), .[""]] | join(",")'

And probably the ugliest alternative:

... | jq -r '.rows[]|to_entries|.[]|.key + "," + (.value[""] | tostring) + "," + .value[""]'

In this case, we don't rely on the .name field, and build up the whole string manually. If you need a highly customised format, this is the most flexible option.

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