Use Debian Laptop as Bluetooth headset


I want to use my laptop (Debian 8.4) as a bluetooth headset for my smartphone (OnePlus One, Android). This means not just audio of my phone, also incoming calls.

I already managed to play normal audio over the laptop speakers, but no telephone data. I saw there is a headset profile for bluetooth. Does it work automatically? I already had worked with PBAP and MAP, but in the bluetooth headset specification i found no helping answers.

I set the bluetooth class of my laptop to 0x40040C in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and also set it via

hciconfig hci0 class 0x40040C

The class I get from this website.

To connect it I use bluetoothctl. But when I change the modus (eg. discoverable on), the laptop always changes its bluetooth class back to laptop.

When I am searching for devices at my phone, the laptop appears with a headset icon, but when I pair, the icon changes to a regular headphone icon. In the settings there is also 'Media Audio'. What I think I need is 'Telephone Audio'. So the question is, how can I achieve this?

It would be great if I heave no extra (graphical) tools to install and even better when there is some code to get it work in QT. All examples I have found do not work, are for Windows or are too old. In my case receiving a message per bluetooth that a call is incoming would be enough (like a simple smartwatch, just showing).

With my current solution with media audio, I hear just the phone ringing, on laptop and phone simultaneously, but just if I set the telephone sound on my phone from silent or vibration to any volume.

Best Answer

Whilst having connected for media purposes, I'd suggest you to try receving a call on your phone or dial a number.

Most of the recent Android versions, provide an option to use your Telephone Audio through your already connected bluetooth speakers on a calling screen once you touch the speakerphone toggle icon.

There shouldn't have been an explicit need of configuring it further.

Probable reason the icon reverts could be the bluetoothctl detects that you haven't got a way to receive a call through your desktop (Portable Bluetooth speakers mostly have the receive-a-call hardware button for the same.)

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