Usb size wrong after dd write of a ISO-Image


I have just used dd to place the Kali Linux ISO file onto my USB. I then tried to install Kali Linux via the USB, but I couldn't since the install-image was corrupt. I booted back into my other Linux OS (antergos) and tried using dd again. My USB-Stick now says it's 32KB in size and fdisk can't detect it.

It is originally an 8GB USB 2.0 stick.

To override the MBR and Partition-table, I unsuccessfully tried:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=1

Best Answer

Your usb stick has failed.

Some drives return different sizes when they fail, although I've only read about this with regard to "SSDs", which have more complex controllers.

To double-check the size of the drive as a whole, I would use lsblk or look in the kernel log dmesg. (The size of partitions within the device could be completely bogus depending on the partition table; you could contrive this without having a hardware failure).

If the size was OK, there are ways you could try to recover important data. But it doesn't sound like you need to - you still have access to the Kali ISO file.

Simple usb sticks aren't designed with any extra hardware diagnostics[*]. Once you know the hardware has failed, that's it. Either of the size of the drive as a whole going wrong, or the drive not returning the data you wrote to them (suggested by failure of fdisk), would be enough to indicate such failure.

[*] I think they're not even designed for uses where the maximum expected re-write cycles of flash storage becomes an issue. They're much more likely to just break, or be lost.

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