Usable gui front-end to git on Linux


I'm a former windows user and just started using ubuntu. On windows, we had two great softwares: TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit. Both are so good programs that they allow us to do everything like commit, rollback, merge, view history, browse repos, etc. without knowing a SINGLE cli command.

Now on linux, I'm finding it difficult to do memorize git commands for everything. git push and git remote add is fine. But merging is tedious especially conflict-resolution. In TortoiseGit, it is simply a matter of a few right-clicks!

I've found some crap like git-gui, etc. but the features are nothing comparable to TortoiseGit. Why isn't there any fully-fledged TortoiseGit port on linux systems?

Best Answer

The GIT project maintains a page with all the GUIs available for all platforms both free and commercial. I'd list them all here but it's a pretty extensive list with screenshots and descriptions.

GIT also comes, typically with 2 GUIs. You can run them as follows:

$ git gui

             ss #1

If you're in a GIT workspace that you've cloned locally you can use gitk to browse it:

$ gitk

    ss #2

NOTE: If they aren't installed you can install them, typically, with these package names:

- git-gui
- gitk

Other options

From the GIT page there are these options that are free for Linux.

        ss #3

        ss #4

        ss #5

        ss #6

        ss #7

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