Unique synergy monitor setup


If anyone doesn't know about synergy, it's basically a KVM switch over the lan, but you don't have to switch anything. It allows you to move your mouse from one machine to the other like if you had dual monitors.

My question is: is it possible to set up your config so that you have 1 server and 1 client, both have dual monitors, but the client machine has its monitors such that one is on the left of the server's left monitor, and the other is on the right of the server's right monitor? So for example:

------------  -----------  ------------  -------------
|  client  |  | server  |  | server   |  | client    |
|  screen1 |  | screen1 |  | screen2  |  | screen2   |
|          |  |         |  |          |  |           |
|----------|  |---------|  |----------|  |-----------|

Hopefully my ascii is good enough to understand.

The reason I ask here is because both machines will be running linux, and I'm fairly certain that there's no supported way to do this in the synergy configs.

But I am completely willing to muck with X configs on the client to get it to work. I would set this up so that the only way the client could be used is through this synergy setup, so any X mucking won't have to be changed.

How synergy config works is that on your server, you give it the configuration of your screens. So you'll say client1 is right of server, and server is left of client1. What I was thinking is, is there a way to somehow make X think each display is connected on a different server. So I could say like clientS1( is left of server. And clientS2( is right of server. And X will know which screen it is?

I'm sure that last paragraph is confusing, but maybe someone who knows more about synergy or X can point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

What if you switch client screen1 with 2 ?

------------  -----------  ------------  -------------   
|  client  |  | server  |  | server   |  | client    |   
|  screen2 |  | screen1 |  | screen2  |  | screen1   |   
|----------|  |---------|  |----------|  |-----------|   

This way you are able to set the right of cl scr2 to left of srv scr1 and leftof cl scr1 to right of srv scr 2. Then, if you need, you can just move your taskbar to the desired screen and set the DE's behavior to open new windows on the screen where the mouse cursor is located.

I had a similar setup, with the only exception that in the middle was a client with a single display and server with 2 screens on left and right... or something like this.

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