Utilities – Unbuffer vs Stdbuf for Removing Stdout Buffering


Is there a difference between unbuffer(1) and stdbuf(1)? From what I gather, unbuffer makes more than the "best effort" of calling the libc function set(X)buf at the beginning, and then letting things be?

Best Answer

They work in completely different ways.

The program unbuffer uses expect to run the named command. Because expect creates a pseudo-tty to attach to the stdout of the child process, the child might be fooled into thinking that it should use line-buffering instead of block-buffering. Some programs will change their behaviour when isatty(stdout) is true, others won't and it is very hard to know which will and which won't.

The program stdbuf attempts to put libstdbuf in front of libc for dynamically loaded binaries. Where libstdbuf redefines the default buffering strategy of the libc stdio calls.

I found this out by

 apt-get source expect coreutils

and reading the relevant source for each program.

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