Unable to SSH into server, FTP is possible


I'm running the Ubuntu 18.04 Linux dist on a VPS. I am unable to connect to it via SSH, and pinging the SSH port as well as attempting to connect result in a timeout.

Here's what I know:

  • Pinging port 21 (edit: more formally, opening a TCP connection to port 21) for FTP does work and connecting via FTP is possible
  • I have a docker panel running that is loading (but requesting info on individual containers returns a 504 timeout)
  • I have a website (see https://status.mineplex.club) that is running, and making API requests from within the server successfully.
  • ufw is disabled
  • There is a VNC console given by my Cloud-VPS provider that allows for me to connect to the server, so I am able to access it internally and run commands.
  • I did a port scan and it says port 22, 80, 443 and 8080 are all working. So why do I time out when I try to open a TCP connection to port 22, or connect to the server via SSH?
  • I was able to curl https://www.website.com from within the server successfully

I'm not very knowledgable in Linux or networking. There is a solid chance there is a "standard" on the Unix StackExchange when it comes to troubleshooting, but I'm not sure what logs would be helpful, so feel free to ask away.

Maybe an sshd issue?

Best Answer

Somehow, SSH (or the SSH port) was blocked from the network I was trying to use it from. It was an educational building, but I didn't figure they'd go so far as to block something like this.

Immediately, when I got to my home network I was able to SSH in. Sorry for the trouble, this was a stupid issue on my end.

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