Unable to handle kernel paging request


[Disclaimer: I was initially a little nervous about posting this here, so I asked on Meta if discussing homebrew / modding was acceptable. Based on the response I've gotten from several veteran members, I've gone ahead and posted this thread. Here is the link on Meta.]

I'm currently trying to mod my original Xbox using xboxhdm and ndure 3.0. xboxhdm is built around a small bootable Linux distro, and it's giving me fits, so I figured that I'd ask here and see if anybody could give me a hand. (Note: Before anybody suggests a different board, xboxhdm boots from CD on a PC – the Xbox hardware is completely uninvolved in the process, so that's why I'm asking here.)

The PC I'm using is relatively old – it's an old Compaq desktop with about 512mb RAM and a 2.5ghz processor (likely a P IV). I'm using it because it has 2 IDE ports on the motherboard. The age of the computer shouldn't be an issue, performance-wise – the xboxhdm + ndure hack has been around for years – it was designed to run on such hardware.

Anyway – at one point in the process, I have to copy some files from the CD to the Xbox hard drive (which is a standard Seagate IDE drive, powered by a Molex). About halfway through the copy, everything just dies… I get an unable to handle kernel paging request error, and eventually a kernel panic.

I couldn't find anything about this error and how it specifically relates to Xbox modding, but what information I could find suggested that I might have a bad stick of RAM. I've not been able to test this yet, but I'm going to run MEMTEST as soon as I get home.

I don't have the setup with me – I'm at work, and it's at home – but if anybody's interested in lending a hand, I'll take pictures tonight and post them up. The only reason that I'm asking here is because I'm still a fairly new *nix convert, and I'm not quite sure how it all works. I'm assuming that unable to handle kernel paging request is a fairly standard error message, too… correct me if I'm wrong.

Best Answer

Gentlemen, I think we have a winner...

Well. How's that for fried RAM? Guess that was the culprit, after all.

I'm pleased to report that, after removing the defective stick, everything is going quite smoothly.

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