xfce – xscreensaver: How to run a script on unlock?


I'd like to run a screen if the XFCE session is locked and unlocked. Is there a way that I can intercept this and perform certain actions when the desktop is locked or unlocked?

I see that it is possible in Ubuntu; but I'd like to achieve this in Xubuntu.

I can't seem to find any events triggered by xscreensaver when it quits…

Best Answer

xscreensaver has a -watch option:

-watch    Prints a line each time the screensaver changes state: when the screen blanks, locks, unblanks, or when the running hack is changed. This option never returns; it is intended for use by shell scripts that want to react to the screensaver in some way.1

The UNBLANK state is what you are looking for. The manual includes an example script using these options.

1. http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/man3.html

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