Ubuntu – Terminal Transparency, Imagemagick, and X11 Root Window Problem


In Ubuntu Natty and in Fedora 12, I have urxvt (with 256 colours), and use ImageMagick (display -window root [...]) to set the root window to a picture. When I use the transparency (-tr) option on urxvt, I get the X11 login screen background (The pink/purple one in Ubunutu, the Blue one in Fedora) and not the image that is currently on the root window. See picture at the bottom — taken from Ubuntu but similar to Fedora.

Note that the same problem exists if I run gnome-terminal and set its transparency.

I suspect that ImageMagick is not drawing on the right X11 layer but I (and google) cannot figure out what the right option is.

Could the problem be with either the xorg configuration or with window composition?


I would be happy to use something else than Imagemagick as long as I can re-size the images on the fly (so it keeps its current aspect ratio and fits within the visible screen area) and that I can centre the image on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Best Answer

I've had a similar problem with awesome window manager as well as urxvt, when ImageMagick was used to set the background. It got quickly resolved with feedback from the author of awesome - you can see the archive of this conversation on gmane archives - here and further on here.

The solution was to change the background setter and I chose to use habak because it was the lightest one. You can also use other, like feh or Esetroot (belongs to Enlightenment WM). I think I would recommend you to try feh first, since it seems to be packaged for many distros.

Side note: In case someone wanted to try out many different bg-setters, here's a list of those that awsetbg (bg-setting wrapper script from awesome) tries to use:

Esetroot habak feh hsetroot chbg fvwm-root imlibsetroot display qiv xv xsri xli xsetbg wmsetbg xsetroot

Note that some of those only come shipped with bigger packages.

Edit: Looking at xsri manpage, I think it might provide best flexibility for your needs.

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