Ubuntu – Using tail -f with Line Numbers for Logs

logsportabilitytext processingUbuntu

I'm trying to see how many times foo bar appears in /var/log/foo.log within an arbitrary amount of time on a remote server, but nothing that I've tried so far has worked.

I've already got a timer script that I use to keep track of how long it has been since I started tailing /var/log/foo.log, and now I'd just like a way to tell how many times foo bar has appeared in the tailed output.

I searched google, but I didn't find anything pertinent within the first 10 pages of results.

Here's what I've tried with frustrating results:

## works on local machine, but doesn't work as expected on remote
tail -f /var/log/foo.log | grep foo\ bar | sed '='

## works on local, but not remote
tail -f /var/log/foo.log | grep foo\ bar | cat -n -

##  works on local, but not remote
tail -f /var/log/foo.log | grep foo\ bar | awk -F'\n' '{printf "[%d]> ", NR; print $1}'

I even tried to write a sed script that'd act like tail -f, but I made limited-to-no headway with that.


the remote server is running an older version of coreutils, and upgrading is an option, but is NOT in any way the desired solution.

Best Answer

tail -f | nl

works for me and is the first what I thought of - that is if you really want the lines numbered from 1 and not with the real line number from the file watched. Optionally add grep if needed to the appropriate place (either before or after nl). However, remember that buffering may occur. In my particular case, grep has the --line-buffered option, but nl buffers it's output and doesn't have an option to switch that off. Hence the tail | nl | grep combo doesn't really flow nicely.

That said,

tail -f | grep -n pattern

works for me as well. Numbering starts again from the beginning of the "tailing" rather than beginning of the whole log file.

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