Ubuntu – Process accounts-daemon taking 100% of CPU

cpu usageUbuntu

I have several servers running Ubuntu 16.04 that suddenly have accounts-daemon process utilizing 100% of their CPU.

The first time it occurred 3 weeks ago, I moved /var/log/wtmp and re-created it, which immediately solved the problem.

That was the first solution I came across, another one was to disable these wtmp logs in proftpd.conf.

Are there any risks associated with doing that? Will it solve the problem?

Best Answer

I was having the same issue with accounts-daemon taking nearly 100% CPU on a 16.04 Ubuntu.

In short, the root cause were serial console agetty-s, continously (i.e. a few times a minute) restarted by systemd.

(I acknowledge not exactly answering Sam's main question -i.e. disabling wtmp completely-, but other people in trouble are likely to find this page - as I did)


Details for the curious:

  • strace on accounts-daemon revealed that it was continuously accessing /var/log/wtmp, which was indeed about 300 Mbytes and constantly growing. Unfortunately, last did not show anything from it, but another utility, utmpdump showed a lot of failed agetty attempts on ttyS* serial consoles:

[6] [30697] [tyS2] [LOGIN ] [ttyS2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:34 2018 CET]

[6] [30698] [tyS1] [LOGIN ] [ttyS1 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:34 2018 CET]

[8] [30698] [tyS1] [ ] [ttyS1 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:44 2018 CET]

[8] [30697] [tyS2] [ ] [ttyS2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:44 2018 CET]

[5] [30707] [tyS2] [ ] [ttyS2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:44 2018 CET]

[6] [30707] [tyS2] [LOGIN ] [ttyS2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:44 2018 CET]

[8] [30707] [tyS2] [ ] [ttyS2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Dec 30 07:19:48 2018 CET]

  • Indeed, there were some serial consoles somehow activated (systemctl | grep ttyS.*service), which I removed by commands like "systemctl disable getty@ttyS2.service" (I have no idea why and how these serial agetty-s were activated, but this is a very old system.)

  • wtmp immediately stopped growing and accounts-daemon disappeared from top output. I guess accounts-daemon only activates for new wtmp records, so even if it is inefficient, it rarely runs now.

Cheers: Arpad

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