Ubuntu – Packages Kept Back During apt-get Upgrade: Reasons and Fixes


I'm running Lubuntu 14.04.3 LTS amd64 version. I did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade which showed few packages have been kept back. These are mainly kernel related packages namely, linux-generic-lts-vivid, linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid, linux-image-generic-lts-vivid.


All I did was freshly install Lubuntu 14.04.3 version and do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and these kept back packages are showing up.

My sources.list has trusty, trusty-updates, trusty-backports, trusty-security.


  • When I have trusty LTS version of Ubuntu, why is Vivid showing up in the kept back packages list?
  • Is it safe to ignore those updates? Are there security issues ignoring those updates?
  • If I can ignore those updates, Is there a way that I can hide that list whenever I run apt-get upgrade?

Best Answer

What you're seeing is a backported Kernel. It is as linux-generic-lts-vivid - which is the Linux kernel from Vivid built for Trusty. It's installed on your system, so you have a newer kernel than the original one that showed in Trusty; so either you installed a newer Hardware Enablement Stack, or you installed from a later Trusty ISO (the Trusty 14.04.3 ISO, for example, has the updated kernel that it installs).

There are likely security updates to the Kernel, so you should not ignore these updates. If you do apt-cache policy linux-generic-lts-vivid you will be able to see what repository the updates originated in - it's either a bug fix (in trusty-updates) or a Security update (in trusty-security). If it's in the Security repo, you should update.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will install these kernel updates.

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