Ubuntu – Open multiple instances of a given application


I am using Ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 64-bit) with the Gnome desktop environment.

My issue is that in the Activities menu, when searching for and selecting certain softwares (like Videos), if an instance of that software is already open, clicking on it won't open a new instance (new window) but will redirect me to the already open one. Right clicking on the icon and selecting "open a new window" does exactly the same.

I'm guessing it is a configuration setting in a a file like dconf that screws it up, but can't find where it is and haven't found a single thread describing my issue.

(Interesting to note that, I am able to open a new window of a given application if that one contains an option to open a new Window itself like Firefox or VS Code)

Does anybody know the answer ?

Best Answer

On Gnome Shell, you can simply open a second instance of the application by opening it with:


Some application might not support this as they can only work with one instance

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