Ubuntu – No grub menu after Ubuntu install, booting directly into Ubuntu


I have two separate SSD's. One of them has Windows 10 Pro installed, and the other has Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS.

When my computer boots I get no grub menu to choose the operating system I want to boot into, it directly boots into Ubuntu automatically. I can boot into windows with on problems when setting its SSD as the first one in the boot sequence in the BIOS.

I have a third 2TB HDD that I use only for storage. Here is the information summary after running bootinfoscript

============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================

 => Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda.
 => Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb.
 => Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc and looks at sector 1 of 
    the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks 
    in partition 112 for .

sda1: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ntfs
    Boot sector type:  Windows Vista/7: NTFS
    Boot sector info:  No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:        /bootmgr /Boot/BCD

sda2: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ntfs
    Boot sector type:  Windows Vista/7: NTFS
    Boot sector info:  No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:        /Windows/System32/winload.exe

sda3: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ntfs
    Boot sector type:  Windows Vista/7: NTFS
    Boot sector info:  No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:        

sdb1: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ext4
    Boot sector type:  -
    Boot sector info: 
    Operating System:  Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
    Boot files:        /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab

sdb2: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       swap
    Boot sector type:  -
    Boot sector info: 

sdb3: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       vfat
    Boot sector type:  FAT32
    Boot sector info:  No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:        /efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /efi/ubuntu/MokManager.efi 

sdb4: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ext4
    Boot sector type:  -
    Boot sector info: 
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:        

sdc1: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       ntfs
    Boot sector type:  Windows Vista/7: NTFS
    Boot sector info:  No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
    Operating System:  
    Boot files:      

I have installed Linux before many times, however this is my first time installing it on a separate drive. Do I need to do anything extra/different seeing that is is installed on a separate drive to Windows?

Best Answer

Perhaps update-grub2 was not run after Linux installation completed? This usually helped refresh my boot options menu.

I see clearkimura's comment about modifying /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but this file clearly says not to modify its contents as it is automatically generated based on /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/.

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