Ubuntu – No entry in fstab but partition is mounted at bootup


I am using ubuntu (ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS with a 4.4.113 kernel) on an embedded device and i see only one entry in fstab

/dev/mmcblk0p7  /   ext4    errors=remount-ro,noatime,nodiratime    0   1

when i check the partitions mounted using "mount" command, i see a lot of partitions mounted. Now the concerned partition that got auto mounted somehow is

/dev/mmcblk0p5 on /lib/modules type ext4 (ro,relatime,data=ordered)

I am unable to figure it out that how did it get mounted when there is no entry in /etc/fstab?

Best Answer

Ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd which can mount file systems for you. Ubuntu actually no longer uses /etc/fstab in the traditional way, when the system is booted systemd will check each line in /etc/fstab and create a mount systemd service for each entry. You should be able to run systemctl status *.mount to view the status of each mount systemd is managing.

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