Ubuntu – How to specify extra TZ info for ‘apt-get install -y awscli’


I want to install awscli onto my ubuntu docker image.

This is the command I used

apt-get install -y awscli

Shortly after the installation commenced, it prompted

Configuring tzdata

Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent
configuration questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of
cities, representing the time zones in which they are located.

  1. Africa 2. America 3. Antarctica 4. Australia 5. Arctic 6. Asia 7. Atlantic 8. Europe 9. Indian 10. Pacific 11. SystemV 12.
    US 13. Etc Geographic area:

Since I want to include this apt-get step in Docker, it cannot be interactive.

How can I pass this timezone info to apt-get and/or aws-cli?

I have tried to set the content of '/etc/timezone' to Australia/Sydney, but the prompt still comes up. If I kill the process at this point, I can see the content of the file '/etc/timezone' is changed to Etc/UTC

Best Answer

Add the following line to a aws configuration file (e.g. /root/.aws/credentials) before running pip install awscli

region = us-west-2

Of course you should set the region to whatever makes sense for your project.

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