Ubuntu – How to solve “Stopping User Manager for UID 121” error after installing Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu


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I'm on ubuntu 17.10. Got uid 121 after installing nvidia tested proprietary drivers. After purging nvidia-* finally solve uid 121. Later install not tested driver from same file, there's no uid 121, but drivers doesn't work at all. Can i have both working drivers and no uid 121? Geforce gtx 640m

Best Answer

I found that using lightdm the nomodeset parameter was the key to fixing my issue with 18.04

Nomodeset: How to get in once via temporary grub change

You can add the grub configuration parameters if you hold right shift at bootup and press e to edit Ubuntu parameters. You need to replace quiet splash with nomodeset. Then hit ctrl x to save and continue.

Lightdm: How to put in the permanent fix

Once in, open a terminal and type sudo apt install lightdm, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, then sudo reboot

Please refer to this amazing guide for more details and screenshots!:


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