Systemd – How to Create Virtual Service to Stop/Start Multiple Instances


I plan to host several instances of the same web app for customers using systemd. I would like to be able to stop and start each customer instance using systemd, as well as treating the whole collection of customer instances as a single service that can be stopped and started together.

systemd seems to provide the building blocks I need using PartOf, and template unit files, but went I stop the parent service, the child customer service is not stopped. How can I make this work with systemd? Here's what I have so far.

The parent unit file, app.service:

Description=App Web Service

# Don't run as a deamon (because we've got nothing to do directly)
# Just print something, because ExecStart is required
ExecStart=/bin/echo "App Service exists only to collectively start and stop App instances"
# Keep running after Exit start finished, because we want the instances that depend on this to keep running

A unit template file named app@.service, used to create customer instances:

Description=%I Instance of App Web Service

ExecStart=/home/mark/bin/ %i

My script (Proof of concept that just prints to log file in a loop):

# Just a temporary code to fake a full daemon.
while :
  echo "The App PoC loop for $@"
  sleep 2;

For the proof of concept, I've got the systemd unit files in ~/.config/systemd/user.

I then start up the parent and an instance based on the template (after systemctl --user daemon-reload ):

systemctl --user start app
systemctl --user start app@customer.service

From using journalctl -f I can see that both started and that the customer instance continues to run. Now I I expect shutting down the parent will stop the child (because I used PartOf), but it doesn't. Also, starting the parent isn't starting the child as expected either.

systemctl --user stop app


(I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with systemd 229).

Best Answer

You need to move the line


out of [Service] and into the [Unit] section, and add to the [Unit] of app.service the list of customers to start, eg

Wants=app@customer1.service app@customer2.service

or as sourcejedi said in the comments, Requires= the same thing. You can keep the PartOf to stop services you start by hand that are not in the above list, like systemctl --user start app@customer3.service.