Ubuntu – How to change the look of applications running via NoMachine


I have set up the NoMachine NX server on a virtual machine running on a server in my datacenter to use for keeping applications running and connecting/disconnecting from them via my laptop. The problem is, applications I run on there are kinda… ugly!

This is what Firefox looks like when running it through NoMachine:
NX Screenshot

And this is how it looks when running directly in the VMware console:
Direct Screenshot

How can I change how applications look when using NoMachine NX?

EDIT: I am starting the NX session using custom desktop settings. I have selected "Run the console" as the Application and "Floating Window" under the "custom desktop" settings under the "Configure…" screen:

Configure screen
Custom Settings Screenshot

Best Answer

I figured this one out by examining ps awwwwx|grep gnome after logging in normally. I needed to start /usr/lib/gnome-settings-deamon/gnome-settings-daemon on the remote machine.

So I created a small shell script:


nautilus --no-desktop&

I set this as the command to run in the NoMachine's "custom" settings box, and now all my windows are themed properly!

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