Ubuntu – How to add shortcut to Cinnamon taskbar


I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with Cinnamon desktop. After trying to create a shortcut for a PDF file to Cinnamon's Taskbar, I found maybe I should have searched for a folder containing the Taskbar's configuration information and create a launcher there. And by the way I don't know if I've guessed right or if yes, where would it be! How would I add the shortcut to the pdf file and then place it in the Taskbar?

Best Answer

A simple GUI method:

Right-click Menu and then click Configure.

Cinnamon Menu

Click Open the Menu Editor.

Optionally create a new folder for your custom links. Create a new item that opens the file, using the command, evince /path/to/file.pdf, or whichever PDF viewer you want to use.

Cinnamon Menu Item

Close the menu editor and right-click on your new menu item, selecting Add to Panel.

Cinnamon Menu

If you chose to make a new folder in the menu, it exists in ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/ as a file with the extension, .directory. If you chose to make a new menu item, it exists in ~/.local/share/applications/ as a file with the extension, .desktop. These were created by alacarte. They are regular text files; and, now that you know their location, you could do this manually, too.

The rest of the files for the menu are located in /usr/share/desktop-directories and /usr/share/applications.

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