linux windows ubuntu boot grub – How to Fix Grub Rescue: insmod normal, unknown file system


I have dual boot with Linux and Windows on my machine, So apparently after I made a new disk partition, I think I messed up the Linux partition. Now after I boot my machine I get the grub rescue console.
I tried to fix this with these commands :

Set boot =(hd0, 6)

Set prefix=(hd0,6)/boot /grub

This Commands run fine but when I type :

Insmod normal

I get unknown file system error

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Can you please provide more details. Like the partition table, how comfortable you are with Grub, etc.

You may want to set root (not boot) to (hd0, x)

x being 6 implies it's the second logical disk in the extended partition on your hard drive, is this correct?

If you have a chance, burn a CD/make bootable USB (faster!) and boot Ubuntu or Mint from it (or your favourite distro of Linux), then you can chroot into your hard drive's linux partition and fix Grub from there. It will rebuild Grub as if you were currently running Linux off that hard drive.

Without more details, it's hard to give you more pointers.

Hope this sheds some light on your problem.

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