Ubuntu – Gnome-terminal slow to start from launcher, fast when started from terminal


I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. When I start a Gnome-terminal (a frequent occurance) if I do it by clicking an icon on a panel (that has as the command: gnome-terminal) it takes a while—think multiple seconds on many occasions.

If, however, I start it by typing gnome-terminal in another terminal it starts immediately.

I am unsure how to investigate what is causing the slowdown, any suggestions? That is, I am very interested in how to solve this, but even more interested in how to investigate this effectively.

Note 1: the behavior is not limited to starting gnome-terminal.

Note 2: there are some other behaviors (other than starting programs) that are slower than I think they should be. These are varied and I don't have a good description.

Best Answer

This may be because when you run gnome-terminal out of gnome-terminal all the libraries and other code needed to run the program are already in memory. If the terminal program is not already running then libraries will have to be fetched from disk - which can take some time. Does the slow down occur if you launch a new instance of the terminal program from the icon when you have another instance running already?

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