Ubuntu – Fixing CTRL-* in vim under GNU screen


When running vim under GNU screen, I'm finding that combinations of CTRL with the arrow and Pg* keys don't work as expected.

I'm using the Ubuntu 10.10 vim-gnome package.

On a different machine, also running Ubuntu, this did work without problems; unfortunately I don't have that configuration available to me now.

There is a related question here: How to fix Ctrl + arrows in Vim?

However, the suggested solution there is to remap vim's keybindings to work with the terminal emulator, in that case PuTTY. I don't recall doing anything of the sort, and suspect that there is a screen configuration option which will resolve this issue.

There's also a thread on the gnu-screen mailing list which suggests that running vim via $ TERM=xterm vim is an appropriate fix or workaround. This does work, but I'm a bit concerned that there might be side effects. It also doesn't sound familiar enough to be the solution I set up on the other machine (if a solution was necessary).

Best Answer

As intuited stated in his update, adding term xterm to the ~/.screenrc file seems to fix this problem.

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