Ubuntu – Can tar discover the archive format when piping it in via wget


When I have a tar archive of any format, I can use:

tar xf archive.tar.xz
tar xf anotherarchive.tar.gz

as tar discovers the relevant format by itself.

Now I want to download the archives and extract them without them being saved on the file system using wget:

wget -qO- http://someserver.org/sometar.tar.xz | tar xf -C ~/extractTarget
tar: -C: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I realized that the f flag was causing trouble as it expects the actual file. Omitting it, now lets tar complain for the relevant flag.

In case of the gz:

tar: Archive is compressed. Use -z option

and in case of the xz:

tar: Archive is compressed. Use -J option

Adding them makes my command work. Yet since tar is recognizing the archive format, I wonder:

Is there a way for it to extract them without adding the flag just like xf?

Best Answer

Use tar xf -. The - is a placeholder for standard input.

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