Ubuntu 18.04 Mouse Pointer Blinks and disappears on one screen after setting HiDPI scaling with xrandr


I use Ubuntu 18.04, on Dell XPS 15. There is a huge difference in the resolution of my screens, so when I plugged external monitors, either everything was too big on external monitors or everything was so small on laptop monitor. I used xrandr to setup the scaling as follows:

xrandr --output eDP-1 --scale 1x1 --pos 0x2400
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --scale 2x2 --pos 0x350
xrandr --output DP-2-8 --scale 2x2 --pos 2560x0

eDP-1 is the laptop monitor with resolution 3840×2160, HDMI-1 is a VGA monitor with resolution 1280×1024, for which I use a VGA to HDMI converter to connect and DP-2-8 is another monitor with resolution 1920×1200 connected via display port. After doing this, mouse pointer started to blink, and even disappear only on eDP-1 but not on other screens, when CPU is in use. Let's say I open the settings window for Bluetooth, I cannot see mouse pointer, if I open an email, it blinks a couple of times and stabilizes. Does any one have similar problems or any idea what's going on?

Best Answer

Adding an xorg configuration file as mentioned here helped me to solve the problem.

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