Typescript -terminal recording into video


We need to make some videos about working with LaTex documents. We have the typescript and timing -files and now we need to convert them into videos to display them in answers. Basically, the way to do that is to make small Gif -animations. Basically if I could record some area in the X window to GIF, then it would be possible over X to make such videos but it is a bit hxckish way and slow. So how can I convert script -processing into Gif -animations?

$ script -t 2> timing   # pastie.org etc to show your working
$ scriptreplay timing   #how to make them into videos on this site?

Example videos

The source is here but created with pay-ware W tool.

enter image description here

Perhaps related

  1. Convert a typescript file to a list of commands (history)

  2. Screencasting in Windows here, what about in *ix?

Best Answer

I couldn't get tty2gif to work right with vim. So I hacked together ttygif.
