Transferring large (8 GB) files over ssh

large filesscpsftp

I tried it with SCP, but it says "Negative file size".

>scp matlab.iso xxx@xxx:/matlab.iso
matlab.iso: Negative file size

Also tried using SFTP, worked fine until 2 GB of the file had transferred, then stopped:

sftp> put matlab.iso
Uploading matlab.iso to /home/x/matlab.iso
matlab.iso                                           -298% 2021MB -16651.-8KB/s   00:5d
o_upload: offset < 0

Any idea what could be wrong? Don't SCP and SFTP support files that are larger than 2 GB? If so, then how can I transfer bigger files over SSH?

The destination file system is ext4. The Linux distribution is CentOS 6.5. The filesystem currently has (accessible) large files on it (up to 100 GB).

Best Answer

The original problem (based on reading all comments to the OP question) was that the scp executable on the 64-bit system was a 32-bit application. A 32-bit application that isn't compiled with "large-file support" ends up with seek pointers that are limited to 2^32 =~ 4GB.

You may tell if scp is 32-bit by using the file command:

file `which scp`

On most modern systems it will be 64-bit, so no file truncation would occur:

$ file `which scp`
/usr/bin/scp: ELF 64-bit LSB  shared object, x86-64 ...

A 32-application should still be able to support "large files" but it has to be compiled from source with large-file support which this case apparently wasn't.

The recommended solution is perhaps to use a full standard 64-bit distribution where apps are compiled as 64-bit by default.

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