Tool for todo notes and lists for linux which allows tagging


I am looking for a handy (offline) tool to manage todo-notes and lists on linux. As a necessary requirement it should be possible to assign tags and sort, filter and search for tags. It should support web-links.

Nice to have (but not neccessary):

  • mark progress of the item
  • mark importance
  • have a calendar to easily insert dates for deadlines for example
  • some rudimentary versioning control system for the lists
  • should be able to handle images or even video embeddings
  • tables
  • support for math-formulas
  • should be keyboard friendly

Any suggestions?

I do not have any restricion whether is has to have a GUI or not, it may something which runs in a browser, it may have an ordinary GUI, or just an ncurses interface, it's important that it's handy. But there is one restriction: It should not be an applet which works only together with gnome-panel or something like that (I don't use a panel or tray bar).

Best Answer

You should definitely take a look at taskwarrior! Visit the tutorial to learn about its capabilities.