Tmux: variables sharing between sessions


I've noticed that

  1. tmux will share variable between sessions.
  2. tmux will increment TMUX_PANE for new session as well.

Is it possible to reset VAR for each session?

Is it possible to start TMUX_PANE from 0 for each session?

# set variable
# create 2 sessions
$ export VAR=aaaaa
$ tmux new -A -s $VAR -d

$ export VAR=bbbbb
$ tmux new -A -s $VAR -d

$ tmux ls
aaaaa: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 23 12:12:46 2015) [207x50]
bbbbb: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 23 12:12:55 2015) [207x50]

# connect to sessions
# check value of variable
$ tmux att -t aaaaa
$ echo $VAR

$ tmux att -t bbbbb
$ echo $VAR
aaaaa            <-------- i would like to see 'bbbbb' here

Best Answer

I've found workaround.

Multiple servers with -L option (which specifies socket name).

# set variable
# create 2 sessions
$ export VAR=aaaaa
$ tmux -L $VAR new -A -s $VAR -d

$ export VAR=bbbbb
$ tmux -L $VAR new -A -s $VAR -d

$ tmux ls
failed to connect to server
$ tmux -L aaaaa ls
aaaaa: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 23 12:12:46 2015) [207x50]
$ tmux -L bbbbb ls
bbbbb: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 23 12:12:55 2015) [207x50]

# connect to sessions
# check value of variable
$ tmux -L aaaaa att -t aaaaa
$ echo $VAR

$ tmux -L bbbbb att -t bbbbb
$ echo $VAR
bbbbb            <-------- now i can see 'bbbbb' here