Tmux status line with blank line on top


I have a nice tmux status line, but I don't like how the bash/commands run flush along it. That is, if the screen is full, I'm typing things right above the status line.

I'd like a one line break above it, so that what I'm typing never "touches" the status line; is there any way to do this?


Let's say I have a very small terminal window that is two lines long

bash>$ (cursor)
1: bash*  2: bash-  3: vim-

How would I get a blank line to separate the status bar from the prompt, like:

bash>$ (cursor)

1: bash*  2: bash-  3: vim-

Best Answer

If you don't mind typing directly above the pane border (which you have to do anyway for any panel that doesn't touch the status line), you can force tmux to use a smaller window:

set force-height <single_window_height - 1>

However this only is a per-window setting and acts as maximum height limit hence it won't do what you want when you change your containing terminal dimesions.

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