Reset tmux Status-Bar – Fix Corrupted Status-Bar After Catting Binary File


I accidentally screw up my tmux terminal after cating a binary file. Now my tmux is messed up. Detaching and re-attaching doesn't help, nor does a redraw (C-b r). Running reset only redraws the active pane, not the rest. Running ssty sane either in- or outside tmux doesn't help either.

tmux messed up

Within each pane, I have normal feedback from what I type (the initial call of reset immediately after the terminal got messed up solved this), but I can't seem to fix the status-bar.

In gnome-terminal, every update to the status-bar leads to the status-bar to grow (see screenshot above). For example, this happens when I run a new application, when I switch panes, or when I resize a pane. Forcing a redraw (By C-b r, by running reset or via the gnome-terminal menu) shrinks back the status-bar to a single line, but it remains corrupted.

In xterm, the status-bar does remain within one line, but it remains corrupted as pictured.

I'm using tmux 1.5.

  • How do I fix my tmux-terminal?

This bug report from 2008 seems to describe the same issue, but it was marked as fixed. I don't know in what version it was fixed, but tmux 1.5 ought to include a fix from 2008.

Best Answer

Try renaming window 4

  • Switch to window 4: Control+b 4
  • Rename window: Control+b , Control+u myNewname

(Thats a comma in the middle)

Or: Control+b :rename-window myNewname

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