Tmux: showing sessions on bottom row


I'd like to see all tmux sessions on the bottom row of the screen, presented the way tmux presents all windows in the current session. Basically a sticky version of the <prefix>s menu.

So the bottom of the screen would include sessions in one row and just above it, the regular row of current session windows.

Any way to achieve it?

Best Answer

You could put this on your ~/.tmux.conf

set -g status-right-length 80
set -g status-right '#(exec tmux ls| cut -d " " -f 1-3 |tr "\\n" "," )'

This will list all sessions, and "wrap" some of the information to make it fill in one line ;)

Now, on your right site of the tmux bar, it will show the tmux sessions and the number of opened windows. The separation will be represented by ;

Edit: Add the folowing line on your ~/.tmux.conf, so you can reload the configuration on the fly:

bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Now, just hit <Control + B , r > and your are good to go.

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