Tmux: how can one position the status bar at true bottom


Fairly new to tmux, and have been gradually adding stuff to my config file.

I have the line set -g status-position bottom to put my status bar at the bottom, but there is still a large amount of clearance at the bottom of the frame.
enter image description here

I would like the bar to be flush with the bottom of the screen.

This was the only other SE question I could find, and tmux's Github issues didn't seem to have anything. The man page has only top and bottom as options for status-position, and no other relevant options I could find.

Any dot file dynamos got any recommendations?

Best Answer

Some terminals have default padding on the sides, if you're using gnome-terminal, try adding the following to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

TerminalScreen {
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  -VteTerminal-inner-border: 0px;

Also, scrollbars might take up additional padding so disabling it helped in my case


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