Tmux eclipsed colorized output of ls


I'm running Xubuntu 12.04, and when I use the Terminal I get colored filenames from ls. But inside tmux, everything ls prints is white. I know my tmux supports color, though, because I get color syntax highlighting when I run vim. My ~/.tmux.conf has this line already:

set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

Here are some environment variables (from within tmux):

$ env | grep COLOR
$ echo $TERM

How can I get ls to show me color when inside tmux?

Best Answer

ls don't outputs colors by default, usually it is an alias to ls --color=auto setted in .bashrc. Check if you're invoking ls directly or through an alias with type ls.

If it outputs ls is /bin/ls maybe your .bashrc wasn't loaded when you created the tmux session. If so, try to reload it with source ~/.bashrc.

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