Timestamp of newly created file is in the future


On my machine at work I experience weird timestamps of files. This is bothering me, because it messes with make.

To reproduce the issue, this suffices:

$ touch foo
$ stat -c %y foo
2014-01-31 16:38:51.000000000 +0100
$ date
Fr 31. Jan 16:14:59 CET 2014

As you can see, the file, although just created, has a timestamp that is roughly 24 minutes in the future. To be precise, it is fairly stable at 24 minutes and 8 seconds, which is 1448 seconds, to me a seemingly arbitrary number.

The same holds for directories freshly created with mkdir or simply any kind of file saving / creating stuff.

Our administrator is fairly unresponsive and didn't gave root permissions either. What might be the cause of this issue and how to deal with it, if possible without root?

Best Answer

Most likely you are on remote file system and the timestamp is generated there. To confirm that you can use either mount command and check your current directory or df .. It's advisable to use NTP to avoid that situation.

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