GNOME 2 – Tiling Windows in GNOME 2


How can I get tiling windows in GNOME?

Best Answer

It depends a bit what you mean by tiling: Permanently tiling or just temporary to get an overview and select a window? If you use compiz ("Desktop effects") the latter is possible by pressing Super+W (Super is normally the "Windows"-Key). For "permanent" tiling:

Tile windows with compiz:

Install the Compiz Settings manager (e.g. package compizconfig-settings-manager for Ubuntu) and the additional plugins (again for Ubuntu: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra). Then activate the Grid plugin -- then you can use Ctrl+Alt and a number on your keypad to move and resize the window so that it fits an imaginary grid. This allows very comfortable tiling.

Tile windows without compiz:

If you do not use compiz, there is a gnome applet that allows tiling:

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