This user is currently not available – but allow to run script by this user


I created special user in /etc/passwd with:


I don't want to allow login of this user (via console, ssh, ftp, any way).

He is just for running one script via:

sudo su secure -c '/home/someuser/secure.script'

But it gives me This user is currently not available.. How to set it up to be able to run script this way but prevent any login (console, ssh, ftp,…) of this user to system?

I have noticed that
when I type /usr/sbin/nologin on the command-line, the computer responds with This account is currently not available..

Best Answer

This is a typical use case for sudo.

You're mixing sudo which allows running commands as another user and is highly configurable (you can selectively specify which user can run which command as which user) and su which switches to another user if you know the password (or are root). su always runs the shell written in /etc/passwd, even if su -c is used. Because of this su isn't compatible with /usr/sbin/nologin.

You should use

sudo -u secure /home/someuser/secure.script

As sudo is configurable you can control who can use this command and if he/she needs to enter a password to run it. You need to edit /etc/sudoers using visudo to do this. (Be careful when editing /etc/sudoers and always use visudo to do it. The syntax isn't trivial and one error can lock you out from your root account.)

This line in sudoers allows anyone in group somegroup to run the command as secure:

%somegroup    ALL=(secure) /home/someuser/secure.script

This allows anyone in group somegroup to run the command as secure without entering a password:

%somegroup    ALL=(secure) NOPASSWD: /home/someuser/secure.script

This allows user1 to run the command as secure without entering a password:

user1    ALL=(secure) /home/someuser/secure.script
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