Linux Distro – Choosing the Right Distro for Text-Based Needs


I'm searching for the right Linux Distro. My four current ideas are:

  • Gentoo
  • Grml
  • Arch
  • Debian

But I'm absoluty open to more alternatives. Now a little bit more about my needs:

  • I want it to be really small by default, so I can customize the hell out of it.
  • I want to use text-tools only, I don't need any graphics on that OS
  • I'm going to use ZSH, Vim, the NEO Layout and maybe XMonad
  • I want to have a really nice package manager
  • The OS will mainly be used for programming

My CPU is an Intel Core 2 Duo, 64 Bit, of course.

My questions are now:

  • Which package manager is the most advanced: APT, Portage or Pacman?
  • Which distro fits my needs best?
  • What is the easiest way to run it from an USB-Flashdrive?

Best Answer

I've used Debian, Gentoo and Arch for a couple of years each. The more customizable by far is Gentoo. But it takes thought each time you want a given package. Debian is, well Debian: a mainstream distro, that can feel bloated to some. Given your requirements, I think you might like Arch. It's pretty lightweight and there are tons of bleeding-edge packages.

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