Character Encoding – What is the ^M Character Called?

character encodingtext;

TexPad is creating it.
I know that it is under some deadkey.
I just cannot remember it is name.

The blue character:

enter image description here

I just want to mass remove them from my document.

How can you type it?

Best Answer

It is known as carriage return.

If you're using vim you can enter insert mode and type CTRL-v CTRL-m. That ^M is the keyboard equivalent to \r.

Inserting 0x0D in a hex editor will do the task.

How do I remove it?

You can remove it using the command

perl -p -i -e "s/\r//g" filename

As the OP suggested in the comments of this answer here, you can even try a `

dos2unix filename

and see if that fixes it.

As @steeldriver suggests in the comments, after opening the vim editor, press esc key and type :set ff=unix.


-ksh: revenue_ext.ksh: not found [No such file or directory]

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